Do you have quality control staff?

Stu Clarke

Last Update 2 years ago


We have our own quality control staff who inspect all products.

When your order has been manufactured our quality control staff will travel to each location where the products are being made to inspect the products. The inspection is a FULL quality control inspection. This includes counting every item to make sure the right quantities have been produced, checking products meet the right specifications, and a physical inspection of every product for any signs of defects (including scratches, marks, finishes, stability etc)

All wooden items are moisture tested. Any products not meeting our high standards are rejected and reworked until they reach the necessary standards required.

If any item needing fixing can not be fixed in time to meet the shipping date we will advise you immediately and a decision is made by you to ship the rejected product separately once complete at your cost, add the rejected item to the next order or cancel the faulty item.

For orders that are less than USD $5,000.00 we don’t visit the suppliers as it’s not economical but ask the craftsmen to send us photographic evidence of the finished products before and after packing

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