What's the difference between buying directly and your buying agent services?

Stu Clarke

Last Update 2 ปีที่แล้ว

The main differences between buying directly from us vs our buying agent services are:

BUYING DIRECT FROM US - Ideal for start-ups, smaller retailers, and smaller hospitality projects (villas, boutique hotels etc).

The main focus of the buyer is to buy small quantities, maybe 2 or 3 of each, but wanting a large selection of products, maybe up to 100+ different products mixed together in a container. We supply both the export and local markets.

Buying directly from us means Zenddu is your SUPPLIER. We sell the goods to you. All goods are quality controlled by us and we are responsible for the goods and offer a 6 months manufacturing warranty.

Minimum Order Value is EXPORT: USD 5,000 / IDR 70,000,000. LOCAL: IDR 10,000,000

BUYING AGENT SERVICE - Ideal for wholesalers, larger retailers, and larger hospitality projects (Full hotel projects, chains of hotels).

The main focus is on volume and price. Maybe 4 or 5 products per container but in larger quantities. This service is for the export market only.

Buying through our buying agent service means Zenddu is your AGENT. We charge a commission based on that cost price of the goods and we are only offering you a service. 

All goods are quality controlled by us, but we are NOT responsible for the goods and there is no Zenddu warranty.

Minimum order value is USD 20,000 / IDR 300,000,000. If the order values are lower than our minimum then we charge a fixed fee of USD 1,000 / IDR 15,000,000.

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