Do you have a minimum order value (MOV)?

Stu Clarke

Last Update il y a 2 ans

Yes, on our standard products the minimum order value is US$5000.00 for export orders and Rp10,000,000 for local orders.

However, we will accept a lower value for export but you need to understand there are certain costs incurred by you for the exporting of the goods imposed by the Indonesia government.

You need to understand this before deciding on the value of the goods you want to order.

In Indonesia to export goods an export certificate is required.

There needs to be licences and certificates for certain goods exported that are required by law. 

What’s required depends on the type of products being exported and the type of materials they are made from. For example wooden furniture needs a V-legal certificate to prove wood is from government approved sources and not from illegal logging.

The licences and certificates are per shipment NOT per item. This certificate costs around 150 USD per shipment and covers all relevant products in the shipment. So for example if you order 1 wooden furniture item or 1000 it’s the same cost.

Another example is marble it needs a certificate no matter what the item is. These costs are paid by you, and without the licences and certificates the goods will be seized by customs. If by some miracle they managed to get exported without the goods would definitely be seized by the destination country’s customs and destroyed.

So inclusion if you order only 1 dining chair valued around 50.00 USD you will pay around 300.00 USD to export it plus freight costs. Making it now an expensive chair!

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